
Make better decisions by combining your data with ours.

As a business information specialist, Graydon has an enormous database of structured and unstructured data. By unlocking, organising and combining this data, we make predictive analytics, models and scores in the areas of Credit Management, Market Information and Risk & Compliance. This provides valuable insights that enable you to make better business decisions and help your business grow.

Graydon Analytics Scores Analysis
Specialist work


Graydon has standardised a number of frequently requested analyses. In addition, we have a team of data scientists to perform specific business issues or custom analyses. Are you lacking data, tools or expertise to do this yourself? Our specialists are happy to tackle this problem with you.

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DNA Analysis

A DNA analysis provides you with a picture of your ideal customer based on various characteristics. In addition, it points out opportunities and risks in your customer portfolio. Ideal for setting up procedures for different types of customers and determining priorities. With this, you will be targeting your arrows at financially stable customers who have the prospect of growth.

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Graydon City Dashboard

The Graydon City Dashboard is an indispensable platform for anyone who wants to know how cities and municipalities perform and evolve economically. Mayors and municipal or city councils, but also government services, political parties and consultancy companies can gain a wealth of information from it.

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Market Analysis

Do you want to tap into new markets or expand existing segments? With the Graydon Market Analysis you can map out your own position and the most important figures for each desired segment. By combining your customer data with the Graydon database, your analysis is unique. The outcome shows what your market share is, which sectors to focus on and who your ideal prospects are. The Graydon Market Analysis is tailor-made for you.

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Sector Analysis

Do you want insight into the development of specific sectors? The Graydon Sector Analysis tells you everything about the number of newly incorporated and dissolved businesses within this segment, whether companies are going to grow or shrink and the financial health of the companies in this sector. This enables you to shape your commercial approach in a targeted manner.

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Competitor Analysis

With a competitor analysis you compare the strengths and weaknesses of your company with those of your competitors. Which areas do you score well in, and can you distinguish yourself from other players? Where is there room for improvement? Naturally, a number of financial parameters and Graydon’s unique scores are included in this analysis. The Graydon Competition Analysis is tailor-made for you.

Risk Analysis

When a supplier or customer does not meet payment terms, this can have major consequences for your organisation. Consider, for example, increased costs, late payments, cash flow issues, reputation damage and dissatisfied customers. Of course you want to avoid this. The Graydon Risk Analysis, which is tailor-made for you, gives you a financial overview of your business relationships.

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Supplier Analysis

How many suppliers can you choose from? And is price or quality most important to you? The Graydon Supplier Analysis gives you insight into which suppliers are of strategic importance to you, and which ones it is better to say goodbye to. You also gain insight into which suppliers you should keep an eye on, in the long term. The Graydon Supplier Analysis is tailor-made for you.

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Location Analysis

Do you want to open a new branch, or do you want to compare your current branches or sales territories? For a correct comparison between sites, you can not only look at the financial results, but you will also have to take into account the composition of the area. With the Graydon Location Analysis tailor-made for you, you will gain insight into how your locations or sales territories are performing.

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Forecasting Analysis

In a period of uncertainty, it is important to know how your company's turnover is likely to develop. For example, what is the impact of COVID-19 on your customer portfolio? And what effects will this have on your company's turnover now and in the future? With the Forecasting Analysis you can simulate different economic scenarios.

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Customer Acceptance Analysis

Your customer acceptance policy is evaluated on the basis of the Graydon scores. Based on this data analysis, you will gain insight into where the opportunities lie for accepting more new customers and reduce write-offs. With the Graydon Customer Acceptance Analysis, which is tailor-made for you, gain insight into your current customer acceptance policy and how you can improve it.

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XSeptions Analysis

Remove surprises from your relationships and make sure you know what is going on. The Graydon XSeptions analysis screens your relationships and their network for remarkable situations, such as an increased impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your relationships. This way you can avoid problems such as reputation damage or late payments. You gain insight into underlying networks and unusual behaviour at a glance. The Graydon XSeptions analysis is tailor-made for you.

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Bespoke Analysis

Growing companies are making smart use of their data to make the right strategic decisions. However, this information is not always available or easily accessible. For a customised analysis, you benefit from our expertise, our sophisticated systems and numerous unique data sources that we can use.

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Municipal Analysis

This analysis provides you with an overview of all relevant (financial) information about all organisations within your municipality. The Municipal Analysis provides you with a basis for drawing up an appropriate policy for your local economy.

(analysis only available in the Netherlands)