
Credit information

Solutions to estimate risks and detect growth opportunities. On an individual basis or for complete client portfolios.

If you want your company to grow, you’ll need to evaluate risks and opportunities constantly. Is it safe to extend credit to your customers or prospects? And if it is safe today, will that still be the case tomorrow? It is therefore important that you are well informed, so that you can take the best decisions in the interest of your company. Fortunately, there is plenty of data available to assist you.

Graydon Credit Infomation Monitoring Acceptance Ledger
Better sooner rather than later and even better ...

Systematic use

The question is not whether you should use company information, but when you will do so systematically. Interested in the possibilities?

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Credit information

Digitisation gives the world the chance to evolve further at breakneck speed. More data, new sources, technological progress. The combination has provided groundbreaking new applications in our daily lives and in many sectors for years. The world of business information is also not standing still and is evolving with it.

Business information is increasingly becoming a necessity for all entrepreneurs. The statement "knowledge is power" is louder than ever. The question is not whether you should use company information, but when you will do so systematically. After all, business information enables entrepreneurs to make faster and more correct decisions. The insights support them to look ahead, to protect themselves against payment defaults and fraud, to map out a sustainable growth strategy or to comply with legal obligations. And all this is directly related to the health and future prospects of their own company.

Not a black and white story

Business information is often mainly used to correctly estimate the financial situation of a business relationship. Yet it is much broader than the analysis of financial statements and a credit score. It is true that business information helps you manage payment risks. But it is not a black and white story. Company information also gives you insight into the potential growth of an entire portfolio or of a specific prospective partner.

The applications are therefore very diverse. Business information is useful for companies, governments and consumers.

Download related e-book

The power of business information

Business information is increasingly becoming a necessity for entrepreneurs, although many parties are still not familiar with it. Surprising, because the statement "knowledge is power" is louder than ever. And that knowledge is there for the taking - partly thanks to the explosion of data and technological developments. In this eBook, we'll tell you everything you need to know about business information.

(please note: only available in Dutch and French)