Graydon DNA Analysis

Graydon DNA Analysis

What characteristics do your customers have? How strong is your customer portfolio?

Your business relations database is invaluable. You will find a lot of data that is worth (regularly) analysing.

The Graydon DNA analysis provides you with a number of valuable insights about your customers. You will get a picture of your ideal customer on the basis of various characteristics. It also points out opportunities and risks in your customer portfolio.

Procedures and priorities

Ideal for setting up procedures for different types of customers and determining priorities. Because you better aim your arrows at financially stable customers who have growth prospects. In short, the analysis generates gains (in terms of time, money and efficiency) and sets you on the path to targeted, sustainable growth.

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DNA analysis consists of 5 parts

1. Active companies

After linking your file with the Graydon database, you will get an exact picture of the number of companies that were not linked (e.g. due to a missing company number), which was duplicated in your database, which contains errors in name or address and - perhaps most importantly - which is now inactive and the reason why (eg due to bankruptcy). Graydon's research has previously shown that databases contain an average of 25% errors and 10% inactive companies. These inactive companies no longer have any (commercial) value for you.

2. Activity score

The activity score, a score from 0 to 10, measures for each Belgian company to what extent it develops activity. The lower the score, the smaller the chance that a company is actually economically active. Even if it is then registered as active with the CBE. The DNA analysis clearly shows you how many customers fall into the different categories. Ask yourself why you would spend time, money and energy on companies that develop little or no activity. The chance that you will sell something there is small. Lost effort. Then you better focus on other companies.

3. Characteristics of your customers

In this part of the analysis, we divide your customer portfolio based on different characteristics, such as legal form, number of employees, activity code (NACE 2 & 5) and age of the companies. That way you get the DNA profile of your ideal customer. Indispensable if you are looking for new customers and are aiming for maximum conversion.

4. Graydon scores and ratings

The DNA analysis also mirrors your customer portfolio against a number of unique scores and ratings, such as the credit limit, the Multiscore and the expected growth score. These give you a clear picture of the strength (or weakness) and the growth potential of your customer portfolio compared to the entire Belgian population. With that insight, you are better able to distinguish between different types of customers (from financially weak to financially strong, from expected contraction to expected growth). Choose which resources you want to use for the different segments.

5. Location of your customers

Finally, in the last part of the DNA analysis, you will find the geographic location of your customers per province and the penetration rate.

Would you like to perform this valuable analysis on your database or know how this works in practice? Fill in the form and we will contact you immediately.